In Tahiti, French Polynesia, during the night the Tiare plant perfumes the neighbourhoods with its aromas. That’s when farmers collect its flowers. Then they soak them for 10 days in coconut oil and that’s how we get our hands on the wonderful natural Monoi oil.
Its natural antioxidant and moisturizing properties provide skin and hair with shine and softness.
Monoi oil also enhances skin elasticity and offers anti-aging properties.
You can use it as a hair mask before showering or for finishing the very end of the hair tip after showering, as it treats dryness and protects the hair from damage and breakage.
Alternatively, it is suitable for hydrating and caring for the skin after showering or swimming in the sea, as it offers protection from irritation and prevents dehydration.
The product is environmentally friendly and you can even use it on the beach without polluting nature.
You can find it in three different scents:
Coconut fragrance, reminiscent of summer.
Papaya fragrance, reminiscent of exotic places.
Master Scent, reminiscent of children’s powder.